Tuesday, July 2, 2024

IV/36b Later Muslim Indian 1206AD - 1526AD

15mm Essex Miniatures

DBA 3.0

Army Composition: 1 x 3Cv(General) 4 x 3Cv, 1 x 3Kn, 1 x El, 1 x 3Bd, 2 x 3Bw, 1 x 2Ps, 1 x Art, 1 x 7Hd

Thursday, May 16, 2024

I/21a Kassite and Later Babylonian

15mm Essex Miniatures

DBA 2.2

Army Composition: 1 x LCh (General) 3 x LCh, 5 x 3Ax, 3 x 2Ps

Thursday, April 4, 2024

II/36a Greco-Bactrian 250BC - 130BC

15mm Essex Miniatures

DBA 3.0

Army Composition: 1 x 3kn (General) 1 x El, 1 x 4Kn (Cataphracts) 4 x 4Pk, 1 x 3Ax, 1 x 4Ax, 1 x 2Ps, 2 x 2Lh(Arachosians) 1 x 2Lh(Saka) 6 x 3Kn (Iranians-Greeks) 4 x 3Cv(Bactrians) 4 x 2Lh(Bactrians) (Total 27 elements)

This amy is really for any paranoid DBA gamer :o) There are so many opitions to pick from list to command. The usual opition is to have the pikes hold the center and cavalry on the flanks.