Thursday, June 4, 2015

28mm Napoleonic Saxons Part 3

I managed to finished off the Saxon Prinz Clement's Regiment today. No dipping/washes on these figures, straight brush on color tones and some dry brushing here and there as I do with my 15mm ancients...anyway... I'm still waiting for my GMB flags to arrive, used a temp-online printed Prinz Clement's flag to see what the regiment would look like. The figures are on 30mm x 40mm this time as a test, haven't really decided which base sizes to use for my 28mm - 30mm Saxon 1810-13 Napoleonic figures :o)

1st figure on the left I used Army Painter strong tone shade/dip 
2nd figure used ink wash, 3rd figure no dipping/washes

28mm Napoleonic Saxons Part 3

I managed to finished off the Saxon Prinz Clement's Regiment today. No dipping/washes on these figures, straight brush on color tones and some dry brushing here and there as I do with my 15mm ancients...anyway... I'm still waiting for my GMB flags to arrive, used a temp-online printed Prinz Clement's flag to see what the regiment would look like. The figures are on 30mm x 40mm this time as a test, haven't really decided which base sizes to use for my 28mm - 30mm Saxon 1810-13 Napoleonic figures :o)

1st figure on the left I used Army Painter strong tone shade/dip 
2nd figure used ink wash, 3rd figure no dipping/washes

28mm Napoleonic Saxons Part 3

I managed to finished off the Saxon Prinz Clement's Regiment today. No dipping/washes on these figures, straight brush on color tones and some dry brushing here and there as I do with my 15mm ancients...anyway... I'm still waiting for my GMB flags to arrive, used a temp-online printed Prinz Clement's flag to see what the regiment would look like. The figures are on 30mm x 40mm this time as a test, haven't really decided which base sizes to use for my 28mm - 30mm Saxon 1810-13 Napoleonic figures :o)

1st figure on the left I used Army Painter strong tone shade/dip 
2nd figure used ink wash, 3rd figure no dipping/washes