Friday, August 8, 2014

28mm Renaissance Project 3

I manage to finish off the Old Glory 28's Landsknechts figures and it was a slog (slow heavy pace) to paint these guys. The problem I had was the color schemes on the figures some look great to me others look average some look "blah" awful

Painting Landsknechts was no easy task there were times the Landsknechts gave me the "sknechts" :o) during painting sessions. The good thing about painting up the Old Glory 28's I now know which colors to use and not to use for the 28mm Pro Gloria Landsknechts (48 figures) painting sessions, starting soon. 

This weekend I will start working on the Artillery crews, gun models and the 2 handed swordsmen and a few of the swordsmen figures converted to standard bearers.... which reminds me, does anybody know where to find online free download Banners/flags for my Landsknechts and Swiss Pikemen?

I appreciate any "the good, the bad and ugly" comments about painting these miniatures :o)

Blue Theme

Red Theme

Green/Brown Theme

Mix Color Themes


  1. Phil, you have done a bloody cracking job on these old glory landsknechts, I really like your colour selection and technique on them. You have shown how good old glory Landsknechts are and done them every justice. Sorry don't know any flags to print online
    Look forward to seeing these based and your work on the pro Gloria chaps
    All the best

    1. Thanks Chris for your kind words and support much appreciated! I agree the figures may look a little better after basing and flocking as I did with the Swiss Pike bloc..


  2. Phil, these are really outstanding! Although not as brightly arrayed in contrasting colors as I have seen, I quite like your style and application. These are real campaigners!

    A lot of very fine work. These lads will look terrific based en masse.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I concur, it seems to me know that during the Renaissance, armies and civilians dress code was to be very colorful, whereas I painted my minis as battle worn campaigners :o) the irony is I have painted one colorful 15mm Landsknecht army the figures sitting in a box I should pull these out and take some photos and show the difference painting 15's and 28's ...anyhow.. I will base/flock my Landsknechts during the weekend... Thanks again Jonathan!

  3. Thanks Peter for the flag websites, my reason asking for the websites is basically before committing myself buying good quality Renaissance flags/banners I wanted to quickly put some paper print outs to see how my standard bearers would look like....

    I agree with you, I'm seriously thinking of buying 2 more Landsknechts Old Glory Packs plus one pack of Landsknecht Arqubuissers and use, as you suggested, more bright colors and less shading. I think that's the way to go for to paint Pro Gloria miniatures as well.

    thanks again Pete for your help and advice much appreciated!..


  4. Excellent paint job, and very interesting post, love the progression...

    1. Thanks Phil, slowly pushing forward with my painting.... cheers

  5. Brilliant! Good idea to do the colors in batches. Your paintbrush is moving at the speed of light.

    1. Thanks Monty, yeah I figured paint the same model poses with same color schemes then mix all figures on their bases...

  6. Glad youi found them of some use. I don't paint nearly as well as you do, but I sure have painted a TON of landsknechts over the years! The elaborate costumes look great, but they are definitely a PITA to paint! :-)

  7. They look great. I think you have done a fantastic job on them.

    1. Thanks Oli, I have a long road to go to finish off this project... currently working on artillery crews and 2 handed swordsmen.... cheers

  8. Replies
    1. Hey Christopher, thanks! ... cheers to you :o)

  9. quote: *The elaborate costumes look great, but they are definitely a PITA to paint*

    I totally agree with you Pete!


  10. Superbly done, Phil. They look like they marched out of a Renaissance painting.

    1. Thanks Dean much appreciated!
      I'm still slogging along painting the other figures :o)

