Friday, October 24, 2014

II/31a Hellenistic Greek Boeotian

275 BC - 246 BC

DBA 2.2

Army Composition: (12 elements) Miniatures by Xyston

1 x 3Cv (Gen) 1 x 2Lh, 8 x 4Ax, 2 x 2Ps

Historical Enemies: IIIyrian, Macedonian (Antigonos Gonatas) Early Successor , Spartan, Achaian, Athenian, Eleian, Aitolian

Historical Notes: The destruction of Thebes by Alexander the Great 335 BC destroyed the political strength of the Boeotian's. They never again pursued an independent policy, but followed the lead of protecting powers. Though military training and organization continued, the people proved unable to defend their frontiers, and the land became more than ever the "dancing-ground of Ares". Though enrolled for a short time in the Aetolian League (about 245 BC) Boeotia was generally loyal to Macedon, and supported its later kings against Rome. Rome dissolved the league, but it was revived under Augustus, and merged with the other central Greek federations in the Achaean synod. The death-blow to the country's prosperity was dealt by the devastation's during the First Mithridatic War.

I like this "Light Infantry" Army or should it be "Light Division" this stand alone force has lots of light infantry to slow down and harass their historical enemies, but really, the Boeotian's are at their best to served and help support their ally the Later Macedonians against Rome...... Xyston figures are great sculpts with detail, but a pain drilling the hands for Javelin/Spear armed units.

Also a little bigger than other manufacturers, the Xyston figures are, in some cases, cumbersome to fit them on their bases...anyway having said all that ;o) I had fun painting up these figures and basing. um hmm perhaps I should have used AP dipping over the figures or DeanM ;o) minwax stain coating method?......apologies for some blurry photos.

Army Arrayed

3Cv (General) with 2Lh


  1. They look very nice and I get a feeling your just having a so much fun doing these pocket armies!:-) I keep thinking of doing it just to join in, but I have so many other projects.....


    1. "Mrs DBA" is a temptress, isn't she?

    2. Thanks Christopher for your kind words, I'm sure one of these days or one weekend you will prepare,clean and undercoat your 15mm DBA army and start painting the figures... cheers.

  2. Once again lovely little figures with very nicely detailed shields

    1. Thanks Chris, I should have painted red,blue and perhaps green half moon shields adding the white dots as I did with the black shields...

  3. One more terrific army for collection, Phil!
    I would really enjoy seeing all of armies arrayed for battle.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yeah one day I will post some solo games reports and also deploy all my DBA armies on one table to show you guys how crazy I am painting up so many armies :o) cheers....

  4. Awesome. Nice write up, these guys are rather interesting.

    1. Thanks Nate! I am tempted to put this army together again and use Victrix 28mm hard plastic figure box sets?

    2. Ooh now theres a thought! I think this army would look great in 28mm, and not too costly either.

    3. I agree with you Nate, one or maybe two boxes of Vicrtrix 28mm plastic miniatures should be enough to put the Theban army problem is which 28mm figures to use for the Theban cavalry?

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Mark, hey I enjoyed reading your first Impetus game report well done!

  6. Another great looking army, very nice job Phil, love the shields...

    1. Thanks Phil, Historically the Boeotian Peletasts carried non-painted copper covered half moon wooden shields with designs of their choice....anyway..thanks again Phil....cheers

  7. Great job once again, and very-well-known hands skills

  8. Fine job with these, and agree, the shields are excellent! Wouldn't the army be Boeotian then? (he says, rarely missing a chance to insert one or more gratuitous typos in his own posts!)

    1. :o) Thanks Pete and yes you are right about the typo :o) instead of Boiotian they are now known as Boeotian :o)) cheers!

  9. Great work on these Phil, Xyston have more detail than a lot of 28mm figures!

    1. thanks Mike, I agree Xyston have a lot of detail and easy to paint them...

  10. I love your detailed shieldwork and color theme! And I agree, drilling out 15mm hands is a pain.

    1. You are moving so quick I suspect you'll run out of ancient armies to paint before I run out of Dark Age warbands. I have #12 out of 17 factions based up for winter painting. Best get cracking! ;-)

    2. Finished off one more DBA army - II/12 Alexandrian Macedonian - Xyston Miniatures (currently working on flocking the bases)

      At TMP Medieval Marketplace, some guy is trying to sell off his (gee I wonder who he is? ;o) Essex 15mm medieval Hungarians :o) I would love to buy at 50% discount... waiting for the guy to contact me.... :o)

