Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Saxon Napoleonic Hussar Regiment

Oops! ;oP I painted the Saxon Hussar Trumpeter with the wrong colours. The figure should (which I corrected) have blue shako and red Dolman......and it looks like GMB Designs do not produce flags for 28mm Napoleonic Saxon Cavalry..... anyway.... Hazzah!

Watch the Video!


  1. Lovely painting, Phil, especially on all the Hussar lace! Der Koenig will be pleased with them. My Saxon Hussars have been solid tabletop performers, too. Hopefully yours will be as well.

    (BTW. I now had to go back and check my own Saxon Hussars to be sure *I* had them in the red dolman - yep! It is a rather unusual distinction for a German cavalry unit.)

  2. Fantastic details, they look superb!

  3. Really nice unit, they look great
    best Iain

  4. Stunning work Phil! Very impressive!
