Wednesday, May 20, 2015

25mm Sash & Saber ACW Union

I started re-basing my 25mm ACW Sash and Sabre Miniatures about two weeks ago.... I was totally surprised to discovered in one box I had (3 bags - 40 figures each) 120 unpainted figures! talk about being blind sided, forgetful or "absentminded" .....anyway... I started working on the unpainted figures during last 6-8 days and I am pleased how these Sash Sabre minis turned out... A little short on officers and buglers/drummers for the 12 Union Regiments I'm putting together....anyway... a long road to finish off this belated project! :o)


  1. Looking great, Phil. I think you have found a way to accomplish the goal of the ancient Alchemists - turning (spare) Lead into Gold! :-)

    1. wow.. I like the "turning Lead into Gold" comment.only in my dreams or nightmares :o) ... or perhaps one eccentric millionaire would have his/her gold wargame miniatures painted or not? :o)

      Thanks Peter for your kind words!

  2. Phil, did you paint 120 S&S figures in 6-8 days? Astonishing!
    S&S figures are some of the best and yours are looking terrific.
    Good job!

    As these to keep or sell?

    1. Thanks Jon,
      started work on the 120 unpainted figures May 10th, cleaning prime coat etc., had a day off May 11th due to being ambush by neighbors and my wife to celebrate my birthday ;o)

      Yes it took about 8 days to finish off the extra bags of S&S Union figures.
      I have more to paint for this project, Union/Confederates - Artillery, Gun Crews, limber teams and Cavalry...

      Keeping this ACW project/armies for myself, not selling :o)


    2. You ARE a painting machine!

      This will be a fantastic collection when completed.

  3. They already look really good! I have a unit of these on my desk as well.;-)


    1. Thanks Christopher, no secret 25mm ACW Sash and Saber castings are the best, love the regimental bag of 40 figures (all not the same poses) mind you

