Friday, May 22, 2015

28mm Napoleonic Saxons

Hi Guys,

something different for a change purchased 28mm or should it be 30mm? Elite Miniatures Napoleonic 1810-15 Saxon Infantry Battalion pack.

32 figures   ( 1 x mounted officer, 2 x officers, 1 x nco, 1 x drummer, 1 x standard bearer, 26 musketeers )

The figures are great, so I ordered more ;o) Battalion bags and a few sheets of GMB Design flags....

Nice figures to work with and they do paint up well and rather quickly. Painted this battalion as the König Regiment 1810-12 with Scarlet facings, 1813 the facing colors changed to red... umm..I think I over did it using Army Painter Quick Shade - Strong tone on the infantry.... oh well.. ;o)

I set up my Saxon's on 60mm x 40mm bases as a test to see how they would look. 32 figs to represent one battalion where as if I mount the figures as 2 x 16 figure battalions (regiment) on 30mm x 40mm bases may be the way to go considering the costs involved to buy Elite Miniatures if one is to put a brigade or even one 1812 Saxon Division together...anyway something for me to think about...  :o)

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