Tuesday, May 26, 2015

28mm Napoleonic Saxons Part 2

28mm Elite Miniatures: Saxons 1810-13

During the weekend I started working on Prinz Anton Regiment. This time round,  I primed the Elite miniatures light gray and used my usual "15mm ancients" style painting approach on the 28mm Saxons - no quick shade dipping method. My Prinz Anton figures look "cleaner" and a little better in appearance, instead of the heavy muddy quick shade campaign look I used on the Konig Regiment figures.....

I painted and dry brush brown from the base of the figure up and over the shoes/to the knees of the figures. I'm not to sure to use the AP strong tone quick shade over the figures again?....any thoughts?......more updates later, thanks Guys!


  1. Very nice work on these Elite figures again, Jonathan. It's nice to have multiple approaches to painting. Sometimes the old dip, other times another method. Very nice results in any case.

    1. Thanks Dean, sometimes I do stain/dip the figures and sometimes with good results... :o)

  2. I like both styles. Like? Heck both are fantastic!

    In the comparison photos, my preference leans only slightly towards the dipped figures. To me, the dip lends depth.

    1. Thanks Jon, appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.....

  3. They look really good and versions work very well.


  4. Nice work on the Saxons Phil. Try AP soft tone acrylic ink it's not as dark as strong tone and works well on figures with a lot of white. You can water it down to apply fairly light washes to suit.

    1. Thanks Cyrus, I will give AP soft tone acrylic ink a go....

  5. Amazing details once again, they look great!

  6. I too like both approaches, and find it difficult to choose between the two. I used the layered approach on some Spanish I did and quite liked the crisp appearance, but looking at the dip you have used it does appear to give them a "warmer" appearance.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, yeah I do like the idea of using "stains/dipping" of figures but with control and don't over do it as I did, I think, with my first Saxon regiment - I need to do more testing/experimenting on some spare figures to find the right volume of stain/dipping on figures...

  7. I also agree that both look very good - different styles. If I had to choose, I think I actually prefer the "dip" a bit, although perhaps Cyrus is correct and the less intense shade might be better on the white uniforms.

    1. Thanks Peter, I agree, I will follow up on Cyrus (Mike) suggestion using AP soft tone acrylic ink on my figures...

  8. Looking good, Phil! I'd keep them just the way they are. The muddied up look suits them.

    1. Thanks Monty, the non-stain figures look a little better but I will try the AP soft tone acrylic ink suggested by Cyrus (Mike) a go... in the meantime I have 128 Saxon figures on my workbench to finish off first :o)

    2. THAT would keep most people quite busy but for you, it's only a walk in the park (brush in hand of course)!

  9. Great work with that 28's Phil!
