Friday, May 22, 2015

28mm Napoleonic Saxons

Hi Guys,

something different for a change purchased 28mm or should it be 30mm? Elite Miniatures Napoleonic 1810-15 Saxon Infantry Battalion pack.

32 figures   ( 1 x mounted officer, 2 x officers, 1 x nco, 1 x drummer, 1 x standard bearer, 26 musketeers )

The figures are great, so I ordered more ;o) Battalion bags and a few sheets of GMB Design flags....

Nice figures to work with and they do paint up well and rather quickly. Painted this battalion as the König Regiment 1810-12 with Scarlet facings, 1813 the facing colors changed to red... umm..I think I over did it using Army Painter Quick Shade - Strong tone on the infantry.... oh well.. ;o)

I set up my Saxon's on 60mm x 40mm bases as a test to see how they would look. 32 figs to represent one battalion where as if I mount the figures as 2 x 16 figure battalions (regiment) on 30mm x 40mm bases may be the way to go considering the costs involved to buy Elite Miniatures if one is to put a brigade or even one 1812 Saxon Division together...anyway something for me to think about...  :o)


  1. Those Elite 30++ mm figures are really nice; I don't think you over did it with the "dip", either. The Saxon army is a fun one to do - lots of facing colors for the infantry, unique flags, and perhaps the finest cavalry in all of Europe. Of course, it also helps that I have a good friend who lives in Dresden!

    1. Thanks Peter,
      I agree the Saxons are unique with their white uniforms, infantry color facings, flags and elite cavalry units, mind you, same goes for any 1812 Russia campaign French allies - Poles,Westphalian's, Bavarian's, Italians etc.

  2. I agree with Peter, and think they look spot on. I have some Calpe and Westfalia Saxons I am looking forward to getting to, hopefully later in the year.

    These are looking great, and even more so when topped off with the appropriate GMB flag.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, I read that Calpe and Westfalia miniatures do not match up with Elite Miniatures is this true?

      looking forward to my GMB flags to add on to the Saxon infantry battalions. It should enhance the "appeal" of the infantry on the table top...well I hope so.. ;o)

    2. I am not sure to be honest Phil, as I have not yet purchased any Elite Miniatures. I personally am usually quite relaxed about relative figure sizes as long as they are kept in separate units.

      About the only one I have ever been shocked by was when I first purchased some Front Rank Russians to go alongside an existing Minifigs Russian army from the early 90's, which was when it first came home to me how much things have changed over the years.

    3. Front Rank figures seem to be the current trend to buy these days, next to Perry miniatures....they look well fed and big perfect to mix with Calpe minis... I agree wargame figures have changed/improved/upgraded etc. ever since I started collecting,painting and wargaming with 25mm minifigs during the late 1970's...

  3. Phil, your Saxons are gorgeous! The stain looks perfect to my eye.
    These are my favorite of your Napoleonics and your painting style complements the Elite Miniatures perfectly.

    1. Thanks Jon, much appreciated for your kind words... I just hope I don't burn out painting so many figures during last 2-3 weeks and botch my Napoleonic project..

  4. You've done a really good job and the Quickshade is perfect. I think it's a fine treatment on light clothing such as your Saxons, well done.

    1. Thank you Chris for your kind words....
      actually first time I ever used AP Quick shade over my figures. during my usual visit at my local hobby store I spotted the AP tin and I couldn't resist the price tag $14.99US ;o)

  5. Lovely Napoleonic Saxons Phil! I find AP soft tone better than strong tone for most things except armour.

    1. Thanks Mike,

      I think you may be right, my AP strong tone is to much of "muddy brown" and I may experiment by adding some turpentine or even use linseed oil to thin out the AP strong tone effect..we shall see ;o)
      Thanks again, cheers!

  6. Fantastic paint job on these Saxons, details are amazing...

    1. Thanks Phil!
      The Elite miniatures are full with detail and I totally surprised myself how quickly they paint up...
      All the best to you Sir! :o)

  7. They look ace phil! a lovely uninform. Reminds me I need to get a move on with my 18mm saxons

    1. Thank you so much Paul! I'm glad I reminded you to get stuck into painting up your 18mm Saxon's! :o)

  8. Very, very impressive, Phil. These sure are lovely.

    1. Thanks Dean! I'm really fired up :o) to paint more Elite Miniatures Napoleonic Saxon's during the weekend....


  9. Well you have been busy!! They look really nice!


    1. Thanks Christopher!
      :o) yes have been busy working/painting 25mm ACW and 28mm Napoleonic's
      my poor 15/18mm ancients figures/armies are waiting to be painted as well...

  10. I agree with every one else's comments, I think the Quickshade has come out very well. Excellent looking unit.

    1. Thanks Matt, currently working on another Saxon unit and will try again using the Quick-shade...
